How To List MP3 Files Of A Folder
Would you like to obtain an overview of your complete MP3 collection by listing all the MP3 files in your folders? Should the desired MP3 list contain song title, artist, album, length etc.? Would you like to create a printable list of all your MP3 files or do you need an output of your file list in Microsoft Office Excel, OpenOffice/LibreOffice Calc, HTML or as XML file?
The software tool Directory List & Print enables to easily and quickly create and print individual folder listings of audio files with formats such as MP3, Ogg Vorbis and WMA (Windows Media Audio).
Now, find out how simple it is to list and print MP3 file lists with Directory List & Print Pro. The video below “How To Create A Printable List Of All MP3 Files In A Directory” provides a short overview of the features Directory List & Print Pro has to offer.
Create The Required MP3 List In 4 Steps
- Read Files In MP3 Folders
- Create MP3 Lists
- Display MP3 List In Desired Output Format
- Bring Order To Your MP3 Collection
In order to follow the instructions step-by-step download Directory List & Print now (Freeware and Pro version) and install the software on your computer.
No matter whether your MP3 collection contains hundreds or thousands of MP3 files, Directory List & Print reads your files quickly and easily. Select the requested folder including possible subfolders under the tab “1. Directory” and then click on the button “Create / update file list! “
What are ID3 tags? ID3-Tag is the standard format of metadata within MP3 audio files. Information like song title, artist, composer, album, duration and bit rate etc. is metadata of audio files.
Create now your specific MP3 file list including the requested information and the corresponding columns. Select under the tab “2. Columns” the requested metadata (ID3 tags) via arrow button or by double-clicking and copying the data into the right half-window. Then sort the selected columns via arrow button on top right.
Extra Tip: If the default width of the columns is insufficient for your information (e.g. title is longer than 80 characters) it can be easily adjusted by selecting “No limitation on the maximum columns widths” in the menu “Setup”.
2.2 How To Format MP3 Lists
If you are satisfied with the already displayed list just continue under “3. Display MP3 List In Desired Output Format”.
Do you prefer another sorting of your MP3 list? Should the file list include only certain MP3 files? Is the total number of files, file size and duration of all files needed? If so and further formatting is requested read on here.
Select the tab “3. Output” to make further adjustments to your file list.
Include Subdirectories
If your MP3 collections consists of multiple folders and subfolders make sure that you selected “Run through subdirectories! all Levels“ at the top left of the window. In order to display totals in your file list select “Summarize and display number size, and duration of files”. It is important that beforehand you already have selected “File Content Duration [3] (summable)” under “2. Columns” when choosing the metadata.
No File Extenstions Needed?
If file extensions such as .mp3 should not be displayed in the column “Name” just click on “Remove file type from column “Name” (.txt .doc etc.).” For a specific order of the MP3 files by file name, size, duration, date choose on the right the required sorting.
2.3 How To Filter MP3 List
You have collected a great number of files in your MP3 folder over the years. And meanwhile there are not only audio files in your folder. But as you want only MP3 files in your directory list all other files have to be sorted out. Furthermore, you might want to get an overview over your huge MP3 collection by listing audio files of a specific artist only. The filter functions of Directory List & Print Pro under the tab “4. Filter” help you further.
File types can be included and excluded, the file list can be filtered by terms, file size, length of path/file name and date.
Extra Tip: As of version 3.16 you can use “Wildcards” in the filter feature by file type and term. “Wildcards” are placeholder for characters:
? replaces a single character.
* replaces none, one or more characters.
(At the beginning or at the end of a term there is no * necessary)
The MP3 folders are now read and the required list is created. Under the tab “5. Output” the list can then be displayed in the desired output format. Directory List & Print Pro enables to directly print the MP3 list, open the list in Word and Excel (Microsoft Office) and Writer and Calc (OpenOffice / LibreOffice) or display the data as TXT and CSV file or as HTML and XML table.
When selecting “Hyperlinking” under the output options HTML and Excel the audio files can directly be played within the MP3 list. By selecting “For WWW” the path addresses in HMTL are relative and the list can be published in the root directory of the directory structure of the listed files.
MP3 Example Listing in Different Output Formats:
MP3 File List in Excel
MP3 File List as XML table
MP3 File List as HTML table
MP3 File List as TXT file
MP3 File List as PDF
Extra Tip: When choosing the output format HMTL you can customize your table in HMTL code by clicking on the link [Edit my style] . The feature “Hyperlinking” in Excel allows to directly open and start a media file via link address (path and name). Depending on the language version of Excel this feature may be called differently. In the English and German version of Excel it is called HYPERLINK but can be modified under the link [Excel function] if necessary .
Directory List & Print Pro enables you to bring order to your MP3 collection. After having filtered and sorted the files and created the list according to your needs, the selected files can now be copied, moved or deleted.
Under the tab “6. Action” Directory List & Print Pro allows to directly copy, move and delete the data.
Important: When copying, moving and deleting files under the tab “6. Action” the file list must contain information about the file path. Therefore, make sure that under “2. Columns” in the Basic File Information “Path and Name ( for Hyperlinking and Action)” is selected.
Directory List & Print Pro enables to create, list and print required file lists of MP3 and other media files and output them a variety of formats.
Do you have any questions about creating media file lists with Directory List & Print? Do you have any suggestions or wishes for future updates. Contact us at We look forward to hearing from you.