Features Of File Date Corrector

How To Correct File Dates ‘Created’ and ‘Modified’


File Date Corrector is extracting the necessary information from metadata in your documents, pictures and other media files in order to restore the original file dates “Created” and “Modified”.

File Date Corrector can not only restore the original creation date of documents of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel) but also of Open Document Files (Open-Office, Libre-Office, Google-Docs, IBM-Docs etc.) .


Video With Short Introduction Of File Date Corrector





Directory selection  [1. Select Directory]

  • Selection of starting directory for the corrections by a tree structure.
  • Selection of starting directory by entering the path as a text string.
  • Optional restriction of files to be processed to certain file types (file type filter).
  • Optional processing of subdirectories (Run through subdirectories).
  • Set directory recursion depth for subdirectories.
    File Date Correctory Run Through Subdirectories
  • Support for connecting and disconnecting network drives.
  • Updating the directory view.

Correction Properties  [2. Set Correction, 3. Set Details]

  • Selection of dates to be corrected: “Created” and/or “Modified”.
  • Selection of information sources, separately for dates “Created” and “Modified”:
    meta information of files, documents, images (EXIF, IPTC, XMP), meta information of audio/video (only the date “Recorded” is available because audio and video have no modification date), extraction of the file date from the filename, fixed date and time.
  • Possibility to search at all sources at the same time and to set their priority.
  • If there is no meta data available for “Created” or not selected, then the meta data of “Modified” can be used to correct the file date “Created”.
  • If there is no meta data available for “Modified” or not selected, then the meta data of “Created” can be used to correct the file date “Modified”.
  • If there is no meta information available or selected for the file date “Created”, then the last modification date can be used to correct the file date “Created”. (In many cases, the original file modification date is taken over when Windows copies the files.)
  • If there is no meta information available or selected for file date “Modified”, then the current creation date can be used to correct the file date “Modified”. (This can resolve the confusing situation if the last modified date is older than the current file creation date.)
  • Apply additional time offset for the found dates.
  • Adjusting of the directory date according to the oldest / youngest content, i.e. the creation date is set according to the oldest file date “Created” found in the child directory structure, the modification date is set according to the latest found file date “Changed” or “Created”.
  • Dealing with date settings back to the year 1601 (with NTFS file system).

Preview Generation  [4. Preview]

  • Process files and list fixes found, with date “before correction” and date “after correction”, separately for date “created” and/or date “modified”.
  • Show the number of found objects (files).
  • Sort files/directories by name in NATURAL order (like Windows Explorer).

Apply Corrections  [5. Correct now!]

  • Apply the proposed corrections effectively.
  • Automatic consideration of daylight saving time.
  • The correction status is displayed after the correction:
    – corrected (correction was successful),
    – read only  (no correction applied),
    – failed  (correction was not successful).
  • The button “5. Correct now” is available only if a “Preview” has been created first.
  • For the application of the date corrections a full version of the program is needed.

Functions built-in the file list  [Search, Context Menu, File Selection]

  • Search: Find a string in the file list using the search modes “Search from the beginning” and “Continue searching from the current row”.
  • Context menu: Delete selected row, open the directory containing the selected object, open/start the selected object, show properties of the selected file or directory.
  • Context menu: Save current file list as PDF print file, EXCEL table, TEXT file with tabs or semicolons as separators.
  • Select / unselect files in the file list for correction: single files, all files in a subdirectory, complete file list.
Correct "Date Created" and "Date Modified" with File Date Corrector


 Program settings  [Menu: Setup]

  • Automatic saving of settings when exiting the program.
  • Automatic set up of a program shortcut on the desktop.
  • Support for connecting and disconnecting network drives.
  • Creation of a log file for the actually applied corrections.


Program update  [Menu: Help / Check for program update]

  • Automatic updating of the program to the latest version (the connection to the Internet is established only when selecting the menu item).

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Current Version 1.74
Change Log




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