Quick Merge for your Mail Merge Documents

How to Mail Merge Date and Number Formats from Excel to Word Easily


Quick Merge for Excel™+Word™ makes it very easy. Quick Merge is a program for Windows™ that allows you to easily and quickly create mail merge documents with correct display of date and number fields from Excel, without the hassle of creating data links and puzzling formatting via MERGEFIELD formulas.

With Quick Merge, mail merge documents can be created very easily, without complicated setup of data links and puzzling formatting. The biggest advantage is the automatic transfer of number and date formats as well as calculated values exactly as they are displayed in Excel tables.

Quick Merge enables to easily and quickly mail merge correct currency, date and number formats from Excel to Word.

Quick Merge for Excel™+Word™ is this simple

  1. Excel file selection, containing the mergeable data.
  2. Word file selection, containing the template with placeholders for table data.
  3. Output folder definition, receiving the created files.
  4. File naming definition, can contain any text and placeholders.
  5. Start the creation of the mail merge documents.


Drag & Drop

Excel and Word files as well as output folders can be dragged directly to the program window from Windows Explorer, instead of setting them via the file dialogs. The same applies to configuration files which contain saved program settings.


1. Excel File

Create your Excel spreadsheet for the mail merge as usual.

Mail merge correct date and number formats from Excel.

2. Word Document

The merge fields are inserted with curly braces {}. You can insert column titles like {sales} or column letters like {A} as placeholders for the data fields.

How to correctly mail merge currency, date and number formats.

All values are automatically displayed exactly as in the Excel table. The cumbersome procedure of inserting MERGEFIELD formulas is no longer necessary.

Correct formatting in your mail merge documents with Quick Merge.

To remove the whole text line in case of empty variables, the variable can be simply put in double curly brackets like {{A}} or {{Street}}.


3. Output Folder

The created documents can be saved directly in any desired folder. You can store all documents in a single Word file or separately as individual documents in Word or PDF format.


4. File Naming

Assign variable names to the files to be created. You can use the column titles from the Excel spreadsheet, eg. “20180430_Invoice_ {Customer}”, or the line number like “{#} _ Invoice_ {Name}”. Thus, a separate file is automatically created per line of the Excel spreadsheet.


5. Start

Start the creation of the merged files as a collective document and/or as individual documents (Word, PDF). The progress bar shows the current status of the processing.


Other Features

  • Definition of the table lines to be processed as a list, for example: 8-15,22,25,27-33.
  • Saving and loading the settings in a configuration file.
  • Apply Quick Merge with a configuration file in a batch script.

Detailed information on all functions can be found in the Program Manual.


System Requirements


  • Operating System Windows™ 7 / 8 / 10 / 11   (32 bit and 64 bit).
  • Microsoft Excel™ and Word™ from Version 2007 and newer.
  • About 5 MB free disk space.

Change Language


Current Version 1.24
Change Log




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